me and Bo at Mitchell's

About Me

My photo
I am 48 years old and married to the most wonderful man in the world, "Bo", We've been married now for 27 years. He is my best friend. We have 3 wonderful kids. Nicole, Jimmy and Brian. The most amazing kids in the world and I am so proud of each of them. I am also big animal lover. We have Rusty our dog and 2 cats, Whiskers and Daisy.

Sep 2, 2011


Shrimp and peppers over pasta.

Bo and Paula's famous gravy.

Our first visit with Jimmy in 4 month's

The Dames Point Bridge in Jacksonville

These are how they drop the containers onto the ship.

Took a wrong turn and had to be turned around by security, oh well, it was our first time.

Here's Bo talking to the security as we wait for Jimmy.

Here he is............

Pizza at Renna's with Bob

This is Bullet (Bob's dog) we got him for Bob when he moved to Jax, he's a great companion for Bob, and loves sleeping with him, so Bo tucked him in before we headed back to Orlando.

Yes, it rained on the drive home, inside (tears) and outside (rain) the car.

Aug 10, 2011

Jimmy in the Merchant Marines, Piney Point, MD

Jimmy joined the Merchant Marines in April, he went through his schooling and has now been sent out to Sea. He is on the "Horizon Producer," its a cargo / carrier ship. He will travel from Jacksonville, Fl to Puerto Rico each week for the next 3 months.

Nicole's 26th Birthday

 Dinner at Habanero's
 Guy and Bo
 Bo and his sister Kathy
 Brian and Nicole
 Nicole and Brianne
